What to do if you receive a booking that does not match your price list

While we endeavour to ensure all pricing is correct, occasionally a price might not be as expected. 

Note: The fare specified on a booking confirmation is the contracted rate with Jayride.com, minus commissions. If you receive a booking with an incorrect fare, please reply to the confirmation email and advise us of the correct fare and why you believe the fare is incorrect before the escalation notice period for this booking ends. Our support team will then review the new rate and advise if the booking will proceed or not. We will then update the fare on Jayride.com for future bookings within 7 days.

✅ Contact Jayride as soon as possible by replying to the confirmation email.

✅ Where practical all bookings should be honoured. 

❌ There is no need to cancel the booking. 

❌ Please do not approach the passenger for the difference in price. 

⚠ Jayride can only list the prices you share with us, that is why it is important for you to make sure you communicate any errors or changes to your pricing to us in advance of receiving bookings so we may update your details and avoid any future difficulties.

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