What is Jayride.com's phone number?
Want to make a booking, or have questions about how Jayride.com works?
- Sales: Our team are available 6 AM to 10 PM Pacific Standard Time 7 days a week.
- Already have a booking: Our team are available to help 24/7
You can contact us online here by filling out this form: Contact Us
Alternatively, you can give us a call on one of the below numbers:
Country | Number |
Australia |
+61 2 8520 3150
United States |
+1 646 480 6835
New Zealand |
+64 9-801 8021
United Kingdom |
+44 20 3322 1950
Ireland |
+353 45 499 148
Canada |
+1 647 849 1257
Italy |
+39 06 9480 0707
Denmark |
+45 89 88 15 42
Philippines |
+63 28 626 3283
Hungary |
+36 1 408 8540
Greece |
+30 21 1198 3477
Spain |
+34 911 23 01 73
Austria |
+43 720 881426
Malta |
+356 2776 5450
Cyprus |
+357 22 009267
Netherlands |
+31 85 888 6279
Hong Kong |
+852 5808 4080
Vietnam |
+84 24 4458 2109
Thailand |
+66 2 329 5944
Indonesia |
+62 21 50851108
Portugal |
+351 308 802 436 |
Israel |
+972 3 738 2131 |
Brazil |
+55 61 3550 0863 |
Chile |
+56 2 2938 2476 |
Colombia |
+57 1 5085451 |
Dominican Republic |
+1 829 947 3248 |
Ecuador |
+593 2 401 8869 |
Panama |
+507 833 8941 |
Peru |
+51 1 7057719 |
Poland |
+48 22 307 68 11 |
Czech Republic |
+420 228 880 543 |
Belgium |
+32 2 808 32 18 |
Switzerland |
+41 43 508 06 50 |
Finland |
+358 9 42453135 |
Romania |
+40 31 630 3893 |
Sweden |
+46 8 446 895 50 |
Lithuania |
+370 5 214 0032 |
Slovakia |
+421 2 327 846 44 |
Kenya |
+254 20 3893208 |
Argentina |
+54 11 5984-4059 |
Mexico |
+52 55 4163 6133 |
Already booked and have a question about your transfer? You'll need to ask your transfer company directly; they'll be able to answer any questions you may have, such as pick-up times and locations. If you have questions about the Jayride.com site itself or want to contact Jayride.com to give feedback on your transfer company, please Contact Us.